Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm going to get this camera in a month. Canon EOS 7D

My LItTle MonSteR

He is such a pain but i love him to death (:
Next stop on my photo adventure is in Indonesia!!
Well head up there in June 2010.
I will post some pictures up during the visit (:
First Photography Job

The day finally came to start off my career in photography. I've been doing it for many years and now Finally getting paid for it. It was an experience and a half and didn't mind one bit. I had a blast taking pictures, eating, chatting, and dancing. I also had help from my good friend Frania. I can say we did a hell of an amazing job for our first time. Its not my passion to be a photographer for weddings but its a side job for making a decent amount of money for one day.