Wednesday, August 11, 2010

THE Soth Bay Ghost Hunters crew AT IT AGAIN
At the end of this month we'll be camping up in Big Bear. It's been an exciting and an adventurest year and there is still more places to visit before it ends.

In October we'll be taking over and celebrating Kim and I's B-days
In Laughlin. We'll be staying at the Riverside Hotel which is the best hotel and casino that Laughlin has to offer. This will be a birthday to remember for the both of us and an great experience for others first time being there.

 Besides partying, gambling, swimming, and all the activities we'll be off to visit the Grand Canyon. Never been there before so it will be an awesome experience.

Can't wait!!!
Will be there with all my friends being chocolete wasted (:

Monday, August 2, 2010

This will be my only reply

Behined these eyes is a very focused and a dedicated person, ME! TO THE HATER Yeah I still like to party here and there because I can. I work hard, pay my bills, and make sure everything is done before I go out. Life is too short to be serious all the time. Enjoy yourself for once because when the time comes you will look back on your life saying to yourself that you missed out on so many things. Being stuck in the house all day/week/month long isn't the way for me. That's good you're dedicated to your schooling but doesnt mean you shouldn't be enjoying yourself you know.. anywho so good job. I never tried to change you, only tried to help you. This year I found myself again, I moved on from the hell i was in that i was waisting my time with and on. I am now doing what I always wanted to do which is Traveling, school, photography, being with my friends/meeting new people, Fancy cars/parties, photography gigs/shows, seeing new places without someone holding me back from my dreams. Also while being responsible at the same time. One day I will have my dream job and will be traveling all around the world getting payed for taking pictures. It's not even about the money to me, it's the experience is what i'm looking for.

I know, you know, everyone that knows me knows i will make it. So go talk your shit and say what you want because when you hear my name metioned as a famous photographer/graphic designer, give yourself a big slap in the face. No one is better than anyone. Everyone has a choice in life, you just got to make it happen for yourself, don't hold back and don't let anyone else hold you back. You can do whatever you set your mind to in this world. It's your life so take it. I've provin alot of people wrong with so many things, they call it skills but all it is is practice and dedication. I admit i'm good at alot of things and won competitions for them but it was all because i worked hard for it for myself and to prov to myself that you can do whatever I want. And if anyone is 17 yrs old again then.. haha that's you because at the age of 24 you shouldn't let your parentals control you're life. No excuses for being an immagrant for not having a job, i know of alot of them that have jobs because they actually go out and look.